Rupdate: Starting Fresh

The last time I posted a running update or what I call a “rupdate,” was here. It’s not the most glamorous topic for a blog like this, which I typically reserve for creative pursuits and travel. But I was at the gym last week - on the treadmill, to be exact…and I found myself searching for those old 2014 “rupdate” blog posts about running.

That 25 minute treadmill workout flew by, because I was so enthralled with my own posts. I became so inspired by the simple musings of these posts. Drawing strength and discipline from my own self is quite odd. I feel like so much has changed, but it really hasn’t - that’s the odd thing about getting older. I still live in this skin but the trillions of thoughts, decisions, and experiences over the last 6 years have shaped me a bit differently. Looking back I know that this time was a time of peak performance and health…I had never felt better. And I want to get back into it. So I decided to just do it. Starting last week.

Now, mind you, I have been a member at my new gym for just over a year. I love the gains I have made there, but when it comes to seeing visible changes….I wasn’t seeing them. I fully admit to having some half-ass days at the gym, and there were some days (some quite recently) that I just felt like I was going backwards.


My peak year of running started in the summer. I just STARTED, literally. 5 days a week, every day, no days off. I remember it as an usually cooler, less-humid summer, which made morning runs easy. The humid days were hard. So, I thought, starting in the winter might be easier in that regard (although cold mornings make me cringe like and want to wither away). Anyway…let’s get into my actual rupdate. Last week.

  • Wednesday 2/12: 1.7 mi run, outdoors. My neighborhood, with Rosie, which is very hilly.

  • Saturday 2/15: 2.7 mile run, outdoors. Ran the ring. I am shocked at how well I did, given it was 30 degrees and it was my first outdoor run…since…???? It was invigorating because I put my old playlist on and ran my old route.

  • Monday 2/17: 2.7 mi run, outdoors. Same as Saturday. Then, I went on a 1.75 mi walk with S and Rosebud so it was more like a daily total of around 4 mi!

  • Wednesday 2/19: 1.5 mi run, outdoors. My neighborhood, with a skitzy Rosie. She definitely slows me down.

  • Saturday 2/22: 1.5 mi (?) run, outdoors. High school loop, with Rosie. Lots of breaks due to the new surroundings (Rosie needed to sniff everything).

So, my goal is 3x a week. I met last week’s goal, and have to run tomorrow to meet this week’s goal. I can do it! I will do it!

And now that I have 5 solid runs under my belt, my biggest takeaway is the sheer SHOCK in how easy it was to jump right in. It was a long time ago that I could do 5x/week, but that summer I built a foundation of endurance that I am still lucky enough to work from. It feels nostalgic to run my old loops and listen to my go-to running songs. But it is also nice to give myself the grace of only 3 days a week, take my time if needed, and exercise Rosie while I am at it.

Between these runs and my workouts at the gym, I am hoping to make some changes :)

ciao, xo