Let’s work together

Want to collaborate? Me too! I have outlined a few services that I am currently offering.


sponsored content & Styled photography

Let’s build some buzz around your product or brand through the power of photography. I am happy to offer sponsored content or product swaps for social media use with brands that align with my core lifestyle aesthetic: tasteful design, textured layers, and earthy elegance. Let’s explore how imagery and video content can capture your brand’s beauty and story. From thoughtful styling to charming details, I will infuse timelessness and trending accents into your gallery of images

Available for social media use, including video content.


branding sessions

Do you need refreshed product shots, lifestyle shots, or no-fuss video for social media use? I work with local entrepreneurs and small businesses to help them create a visual story. Build your reserve of high-quality photos with me with a consultation so I can get to know your goals. I limit my time to a few sessions a year so that my clients are my sole focus.


Did you know A. Taylor Studio started out as a calligraphy and watercolor studio?


calligraphy and watercolor

Yes, it’s a little random, but it’s part of my story! I am a self-taught calligrapher and watercolorist. I offer limited spot calligraphy and watercolor commissions per year. Please drop me a line to chat with me to see if we can make your artistic dreams come true.