8 Months of G

Every month I think about how baby G’s monthly portrait will turn out! It has been such a gift to document and reflect on how she has grown, so so quickly. I swear there are weeks (or even days) that go by and I catch myself double-taking at how big she is getting. I think at some point during 5-6 months I looked at her during bathtime and thought, WOW! You are truly growing before my eyes! And what a darling little lady she is growing to be. She is precocious — standing toy at 5 months, already crawling (6 mos), propping herself up in her crib (7 mos) and now sitting up without much support (8 mos today). She delights in screaming/singing at the top of her lungs, Storybook Rhymes, sipping her water bottle, bathtime, and most of all: moving! G can’t be slowed down. Until Mr. Sleepy shows up, that is!

The hardest stage with Baby G has been 6 months, but if I could stop time and keep her this age forever I would. She is so good to me, and such a friendly, smiley baby. I have never imagined that she’d be so HAPPY! It brings me such joy and contentment being with her every minute of our days together.