Yet Another List

I’m constantly finding inspiration in some of my oldest blog posts. This one is directly responsible for such inspiration!


Making: Watercolors, lately. They’ve been calling to me. Also - randomly - I decided to look into my ancestry via and I love the headway I am making. I have found records that indicate names of my great, great, great grandparents!

Cooking: My latest culinary victory was this bread I baked…I am still so impressed with myself.

Drinking : a lovely vanilla latte, just dropped off to me by mom! it was raining and the wind was howling, but she drove up the driveway, rolled on up, and handed it to me out the window! now, that was a sweet gesture…

Reading: Clementine by Sonia Purnell. It is a delight; makes me love the Churchills even more, especially Clemmie herself who apparently was quite the glamazon.

Wanting: More than everything, for the people I love to stay healthy.

Looking: A big rain storm just rolled by, and I am sitting in my front living room watching the dark grey clouds blow through. The wind is rocking the budding tree tops from side to side, and it’s quite peaceful.

Hearing: Every 30 minutes, the gentle chiming of my new ship’s clock. A gorgeous piece, it was a gift from my mom on my 30th birthday.

Wishing: Health for all that I love.

Enjoying: Rosie’s cuddles are so, so tender. She is an absolute loaf and loves to lean into cuddles, hard. Her tired body against my feet or leg is one of my favorite feelings.

Waiting: To travel again.

Allowing: my hair and eyebrows to grow out! Ahhhh!

Liking: The fact that I’ve accepted long walks are perfectly fitting as a good workout. I may not be doing HIIT, or running tens of miles per week - but I am certainly walking a lot. And that is good enough. I have been averaging about 4-5 miles about 4x a week and it is amazing!

Loving: Working from home. Is that bad?

Hoping: To plant some more peonies and/or roses, if I can get to the garden store soon. I have some Itoh peonies ready to bloom and it is making me itch for more. I’d love to have a flourishing cut-flower garden.

Marvelling: The notification just came out that the end of the academic year is official; schools will be closed until we reopen, which won’t be before the fall…absolutely bonkers to think about.

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Needing: To stop eating so much dairy! I am realizing it directly impacts my skin, almost overnight! Speaking of skin, I started a new regimen which I have been surprisingly adhering to…need to keep up with that!

Smelling: Bleach…not the most delightful scent, as it’s quite overpowering. Just cleaned the bathroom and it’s lingering! Would much rather sniff Happy by Clinique, or Jo Malone’s Rose perfume.

Wearing: Hair up in a messy pony, an inside out LBI crewneck sweatshirt, and delicious yoga pants that I recently got as a gift Mom!

Noticing: That spring is still arriving, as it always does, even amidst the chaotic uncertainty outside. Crocuses have sprung to life, hostas are emerging from the soil, and buds are blossoming on the trees. It’s impossible not to smile at nature’s resilience…

Knowing: That this too shall pass. And in a way, I will miss the slowness, when it does.

Feeling: The faintest tingling in my legs after a long walk, a sensation I love because it makes me feel alive!

Giggling: Surprisingly, and maybe even with a bit of guilt, I am thoroughly enjoying the hilarious and creative tiktok videos that are emerging on social media. I don’t have an account, but when I see them posted on instagram, it definitely grabs my attention. Hate to admit that!

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