The 20+ Year Old Shirt I Keep Wearing

As we slowly march toward autumn, I find myself shifting my thinking to my fall wardrobe. I am a little excited, but also a little overwhelmed just thinking about what I need to add to my fall wardrobe! Then, my knee-jerk reaction is: wait, how much, if any, do I need to add? Perhaps out of effort, or convenience, or even to self-soothe, I keep trying to reach for a few tried and true favorites that already have a spot in my closet. Whenever a new season comes, I have this urge to buy buy buy - but it’s important to keep classics (and even OLD pieces) fresh in the rotation. As hard as it is, it’s important to shop your own closet and wear what you already have!

When I think of a shirt that serves as a closet staple, but also an oldie, I immediately think of this 20+ year old collared shirt.

It’s hard to believe that this shirt is considered “vintage” because it is so timeless and classic. This is an LL Bean collared shirt that belonged to my mom (she got it in the 90s)…and now I wear it ALL the time. When she gave it to me, she made sure to let me know to take care of it. I treasure it because I know that this was an investment piece for my mom all those years ago. It really is a high quality shirt…and did I mention she owned it in practically every color!? For her to do that, she must have LOVED this shirt. I have her white, blue, pink stripe, and blue stripe (pictured) and they all hold a special place in my closet.

No matter the occasion or time of year, a collared shirt is the epitome of tailored structure. Whenever I am looking for outfit inspo on Pinterest, I find that a picture of a collared shirt outfit can stop me dead in my scrolling tracks! I like how this fits a little looser, and can be both dressed up or down. Size wise, I am a little surprised that it seems to fit perfect, despite its being a size or two larger than what I would normally wear. I wouldn’t change anything about this shirt! It’s the perfect shirt that resides in my four seasons wardrobe - there is always a time or place for this shirt no matter the time of year! In the summer, I’ve been pairing it with shorts and even wearing it as a bathing suit cover up. In the cooler months, it can be paired with a cardigan or even under a crewneck sweater!

Which is your favorite look? I would LOVE if you left me a comment below! Thank you for reading, and above anything, I hope this post encourages you to shop your closet, even for those little vintage treasures that are certainly oldies but goodies.