Super Pink Moon & Thoughts

So, this week we started a new month….March felt like it lasted forever, because it did. We start a new season…spring is most definitely here, with my crocus bulbs springing up out of the ground as if to say, “good morning!” And personally, I start a new decade of life. I am turning THIRTY! This weekend, actually on Easter Sunday, I will be saying goodbye to my twenties. A decade which started out fun, and in retrospect, I took too seriously by the end. A decade filled with travel, opportunity, lots of hard work, and amazing memories with family. A decade where I explored a new side of art and turned it into a little humble business. It makes me think about my favorite years, the most transformative years, the most challenging years. Can you tell I am in a pensive place?

When I heard there was going to be a “super pink moon,” the brightest moonrise all year, I decided that I wanted to sneak out to take some pictures of it. Is that allowed? Does COVID-19 not allow photography to happen in the great outdoors? Maybe I broke some rules, but I decided to drive 5 minutes up the road to a relatively high elevation, and then pop my camera out of the moon roof, so appropriately! I snapped these pictures on a low exposure, and was reminded of this moment.

It was relaxing and a natural opportunity to reflect, sticking my head outside of that moonroof. It is hard for me to get my thoughts together here, especially in the fog of this pandemic crisis. Life is just one big question mark. And hey - if I have made it through thirty healthy, successful and at most times, idyllic years - then I have been so blessed. I am grateful to just be here, even if I have discovered my first grey hairs. Ugh. :)
