Holidays 2019


Winter Break In a Nutshell

  • Tidied up the casa, as we get ready for master bathroom demo :)

  • Stayed on track with the gym (pretty much).

  • Saw Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker (twice!). I am obsessed with Reylo.

  • Caught up with friends over coffee, and a little calligraphy.

  • FINISHED the basement, hallelujah! I even got new Anthropologie bathroom hardware for Christmas :)

  • Really invested in SELF CARE and a renewed beauty regimen. I am officially retired from picking my face, pinpointing every blemish and imperfection. Donezoooooo. I am re-stocked, freshly manicured/pedicured, and have made new commitments for beauty and skin care. I do really feel refreshed!

  • Ventured to Pittsburgh for S’s family Christmas

  • Planned a journey with Mom to Hyde Park, NY in January

  • Actually designed, addressed, and sent Christmas cards for the first time

  • Did not really eat healthy at all (despite the salad picture)

It’s New Year’s Eve and I always find myself feeling quite reflective on the year, to the point where I am compelled to do a blog post. I think a “year in review” is too ambitious for me at the moment…I can’t even fathom a “decade in review” post. It gives me the shivers, because it has been my decade of CHANGE. So much has happened in the 2010s. Good, Great, Bad, a just a lot of Change.

Something more attainable…I certainly can reflect on the past week in review. A common theme that I am thinking about always is…time. Just how weirdly fast it seems to pass, some days…and how slow it can feel. I believe that time can change speed. This past week in review, however, sped by. It just went by too damn quickly. Each day escaped me and left me wondering how another day was over. But it was filled with fun, lots of family time, and lots of Christmas spirit. For the first time in the new house I actually felt on top of decorating, actually enjoying the buildup to Christmas in all its eager anticipation. We had our second real tree, this time we named it Niles. But the best part of getting ready for the Holidays was we had a new family member…Rosie! Our lovely pup, who is every ounce a Christmas pup. I wish I took more pictures this holiday, that’s for sure. I don’t have many photos of the house decorated.

Even though I didn’t take pictures, I did help to make a massive Christmas video (called “the Holiday Epic 2019”)! which covers everything from Thanksgiving to Christmas. It’s pretty awesome, given our family loves a good hearty video to immortalize our hijinks and adventures!

Despite break going by rather quickly, the days blended together and I can’t even remember any of the big things that happened…in fact, nothing big really happened. Which is amazing. I do feel renewed, and I am not sure if that is the new year talking or the new decade approaching. I am dreading the transition back to reality but it must come, as it always does. I’d rather take on the mindset of gratitude…gratitude for all that I have been able to do the past week, year, and decade. I am grown, changed, and even if we zoom in on the present moment…I am relaxed. I am at peace with 2020 coming, at peace with turning 30, at peace with myself, and feeling nostalgic already for the good old days (which are right now, if you really think of it).

More Holiday Memories in Video

password: chritmat2015

ciao! xo