My Scaled-Down Summer Makeup

It is a VERY productive day here. Our weekends start on the early side in our house…somewhere around 5:30 or 6:00 AM 🫠 so by 10am it feels liken mid afternoon and I am usually starving for lunch. Life with a toddler! There are definitely perks to rising early, but some days I don’t even have a moment to properly get dressed and ready. The trick is doing it as EARLY as possible, preferably before the baby wakes up. Easier said than done.

The key is simplifying my morning self-care routine. I can still leisurely enjoy my nighttime skin and self-care routine, but the morning feels a little rushed and hectic.

Here are my early bird self-care steps!

  1. Wash face with cold water and my LaRoche-Posay Cleanser. If I have time, I might get an ice cube or two and run it over my face before applying moisturizer. I like to do an ice facial at night too.

  2. Next is my moisturizer and skin tint serum. I mix these two products for hydration, coverage, and SPF: my LaRoche Posay moisturizer and the Ilia Super Skin Tint Serum (SPF 40). Using my hands, I’ll dab/rub it in until it is evenly dispersed. For the Ilia, I use the shade Paloma. It defies logic how it is SO lightweight and yet covers up SO much.

  3. For a dewy glow, I dab my fingertips into my Jones Road Miracle Balm. My mom got me onto this and there is really nothing like it. I have it in Magic Hour and use it on my temples, cheekbones, tip of nose, brow bone to catch the light.

  4. Mascara: I have been using my tube of Lancôme Defincils.

  5. Brush teeth

  6. Done!

Ciao, xo!