Sunday Drive to Black Shed

It’s been a while since I hopped in the car and brought my camera along purely for fun. It sounds so leisurely and luxurious, doesn’t it? Driving around in the car with a toddler in tow changes the dynamic a bit, as much as I wish it didn’t. There seems to be a touch of anxiety I always feel (even if everything is fine). It feels like the clock is ticking, and every variable needs to be perfect. Scenarios flash through my head: will a hunger-fueled tantrum taint the trip? Will we need to resort to screen time both ways? Is the diaper bag stocked?

A few weekends ago, we decided to take a leisurely Sunday drive to Black Shed.

What exactly is it about visiting a garden center in nascent springtime? The inspiration is absolutely flowing, and I felt it in literally every sense. The first inhale of fresh air out of the car smelled of burning incense, which I noticed was just being lit and placed in earthy corners around the shop. Peaceful water fountains rested high and low, tucked in and out of view, emitting a gentle noise of cascading water. From far away, roosters called, an espresso machine hissed, and birds chirped. It was nice to not have a plan, for it was my first time there and I had no idea of what to expect. We meandered in and out of the shop, probably more than once or twice, and let our daughter’s curiosity lead the way.


I am so glad our meandering weekend drive led us here, fueling up my inspiration and garden dreams. Not only that, it was so calming and peaceful. If you’re ever in the Stockton, NJ area, Black Shed is worth a visit — even if it is just stopping in to take a breath, smell the earthy air, and to feel inspiration in all five senses.