
The theme of my inspiration lately is…SIMPLICITY! Pruning what is not needed, nourishing the important things, and abandoning things that no longer serve me.

Slashing phone time

I am and have been TOO connected. Screens everywhere. Make that multiple screens everywhere. With work this year, a new Apple Watch, apps on apps on apps, I have realized that it’s not just screen time that is a problem…it’s the amount of time I put into devices in general. Including television! I am perfectly fine with accepting this may be a radical idea for people my age, but I reeeeeeeeally don’t care :) It brings me joy to be free of devices and have no clue what is going on in the Instagram world. I have been much more keen on the idea of traveling, spending time outside, or with many family (and adorable nephew). I am less bombarded by ads, what other people are “doing,” and I truly feel freer and happier. Deleting instagram has been so, so freeing. Hmm..funny how that is a common feeling among people who quit social media…or phones altogether…

Layering “me time” into the day

This one is pretty simple, and doesn’t require much explanation. The acknowledgment of “me time” is important, but actually defining it and into place can be difficult. I think my preferred way of implementing “me time” is slathering it on, like butter on a biscuit. But not all at once. Finding little joys throughout the day is how I function best. Another MAJOR way that I have realized what “me time” means to me is identifying how doing certain things/being around certain things makes me feel. For me, slashing negative emotions (or at least diminishing them) comes easily when I can identify the kernel of what bugs me and then realizing this important truth: I can only control how I react, not others. I try to be in tune with this, but sometimes I lose my way. Being protective of my time is another way I try to respect myself.



It’s no pants summer! If I could wear a dress every day, I would. I am so glad that they are a trend again (although I am not sure they ever will or have ever gone out of style). My dream summer wardrobe would be dresses of all shapes and sizes — midi, maxi, mini — from &OtherStories, Nordstrom, Anthro, and more. I am especially smitten with the dainty floral designs that are big right now.

What to Do with this blog

I have been toying with the idea of deleting this blog, and starting afresh (to something cheaper!). But I can’t. This journal is so precious and special to me — it is more akin to a scrapbook than anything. I may be the only person that reads this, but I love curating and organizing posts to show how I see the world. I love that this serves as a place to house my thoughts, photos, travels, even family — and how time has changed all of those things. The one thing that always gets me is how things have stayed the same, though. Reading posts tagged pensare are the ultimate example of this.

other small joys lately…

  • saying “no”

  • summer rainstorms

  • fresh cut flowers

  • being on “summer time”

  • iced caramel macchiatos

  • new rosie nicknames (rose bee)

  • photography

  • pilates videos @ home

  • road trip sandwiches

  • massages :)

  • not masking up so much anymore!