A. Taylor Studio

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Summer Goals

Summer 2022 Goals

This summer, summer of ‘22, is going to be different in so many ways! The most notable change is that it’s my first summer as a mom. And this might sound surprising, but I think the theme of my summer goals is to keep a semblance of routine in my life. Sometimes things just get a little loose in the summer, and that’s great — but for my own self-care and health, I want to make “me” a priority. And that deserves consistency.

  1. Establish a morning pilates / HIIT workout routine (easier said than done). At least 3-4 times a week, wake up early for some alone time to get this in!

  2. Declutter the house and sell some items on FB marketplace. Maybe strive to get rid of one item per week? Things that are in closets, garage, etc.

  3. Drink less coffee, more water.

  4. Summer portraits.

  5. Get to bed early, and snack less after dinner.

  6. Double on veggies per plate.

  7. Go on a family outing, perhaps out to eat or for a drive (just because).

  8. Catch up on much needed tv shows and movies with Mom and S. (i.e. Theodore Roosevelt, Gilded Age, Lightyear, and more!)

  9. Get off instagram! I did a summer cleanse last summer and it was a beautiful thing.

  10. Road trips — be present, be an active observer, and be calm especially with a traveling baby! We have many miles on which we plan to traverse, from the mountains to the sea, and I want to enjoy and build anticipation for all that is to come!

Ciao, xo